Environmental Commitment


Environmental Globe

Environmental Commitment – Jinling ATV

Jinling ATV has a genuine interest in preserving the quality of the environment. As a manufacturer of All Terrain Vehicles and other outdoor recreational products, we understand the significance of a clean environment to our business. We are committed to offering emissions compliant products, reducing wastes from our manufacturing operations, and encouraging the environmental awareness of our dealers and customers. We are environmentalists who believe that enjoyment of outdoor recreational activities builds support for the conservation and natural resources programs necessary to sustain the quality of the environment for future generations.


It is the policy of Jinling ATV to comply with all local, state, federal, and international regulations that apply to the environmental aspects of our products, operations, and services. As a company, we work proactively to maintain good working relationships with the legislative and regulatory communities and to participate in the development of balanced environmental laws, regulations, and permit approvals that relate to our business.

Product Environmental Stewardship

Jinling ATV endorses the principles of product environmental stewardship. We promote the responsible use of our products in the environment, and we support efforts to protect and expand recreational trails and shared access to public lands by a wide variety of users.

Environmental 2

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